2024 TPRC Graduate Student Workshop

Thursday, September 19th, 2024,

WashingtoN, D.C. 

TPRC (The Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy) organizes a mentoring workshop attracting around 20 PhD students annually.  The workshop is open to doctoral students in an accredited program in any country, whose research is within TPRC’s mission.  This year the TPRC Conference will have papers on issues including Broadband Deployment, Access and Digital Divide; Criticality of Infrastructure; Antitrust and Competition Policy; Privacy, Data Protection and Digital Trust; Cybersecurity Policy; Social Media Platform Policy and Regulation; ICT and Sustainability; Pandemic and Disaster Response; ICT and Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Diversity, Justice and Inclusion; Policy and Governance of Emerging Technologies (Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Web3, Metaverse, etc.); Analysis and Management of Complexity in Sociotechnical Systems; Spectrum Management and Wireless Policy; Social Dimensions of Communications and Internet Policy; Policies Governing the Digital Economy; Satellites and Space Economy; and Geopolitics, Digital Sovereignty, and Tech Regulation.


Students who are accepted based on a short abstract of their research and accomplishments and the alignment of their research with TPRC interests, will present their research, receive advice and feedback, and build networks with other students and with mentors from academia and industry. While no funding is available for travel or accomodations, students receive complimentary registration and an early orientation to the TPRC52 Conference, held September 20-21, 2024 in Washington, DC.


The application deadline is June 28th, 2024.