TPRC52 Friday Paper Sessions

Friday, September 20, 9:00 am

Broadband Data and Analysis

Discussant: Janice Hauge, University of North Texas

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Analyzing the FCC Broadband Data Collection
Presenter: Jonatas Marques, University of Chicago
Additional authors:
Alexis Schrubbe, University of Chicago, Nicole Marwell, University of Chicago and Nick Feamster, University of Chicago

Filling in the Blanks: How Incorporating Rural Community Behavior Data into the National Broadband Map Supports Effective Policy Decisions
Presenter: Erika Heeren-Moon, Virginia Tech
Additional author:
Eric Burger, Virginia Tech 

Broadband Network Usage Fees: Empirical and Theoretical Analysis Versus Observed Broadband Investment and Content Development. Insight from Korea and the Rest of the World
Presenter: Roslyn Layton, Aalborg University
Additional authors:
Toshiya Jitsuzumi, Chuo University; and Dae Keun Cho, Sogang University

Satellite & Space Economy

Discussant: Erik Bohlin, Ivey Business School

Auctions in Space? Launching Markets in Satellite Spectrum
Presenter: Sarah Oh Lam, Technology Policy Institute

Ground Station Filings to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC): the Unsung Link to Space
Presenter: Phillip Post, Olin College of Engineering
Additional authors:
Zayn Patel, Olin College of Engineering, and Alex Mineeva, Olin College of Engineering

Assessing Commercialization Strategies for Evolving Network Demand (ASCEND) in the NASA Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program
Presenter: Jeffrey Dobereiner, Teltrium Inc.
Additional authors:
Edward Oughton, George Mason University, Erica Weir, Teltrium Inc., Phoebe Wetherbee, Teltrium Inc.,  and Gregory Heckler, NASA Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program

Digital Security and Privacy

Discussant: Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood, Florida International University

Cross-Border Data Flow: A Trilemma of Mobility, Monetization, and Privacy
Presenter: Moinul Zaber, United Nations University

National Threats and Responses Toward Digital Social Media: The Case of Global TikTok Regulations
Presenter: Le Yang, Tsinghua University

Antitrust & Competition

Discussant: Paroma Sanyal, The Brattle Group

Competitive Effects of T-Mobile/Sprint: Analysis of a "4-to-3" Merger
Presenter: Thomas Hazlett, Clemson University
Additional authors: Robert Crandall, Technology Policy Institute

Interoperability for number-independent interpersonal communications services under the DMA: More harm than good?
Presenter: Serpil Taş, WIK Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste
Additional authors:
Lukas Wiewiorra, WIK Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste, and Andrea Liebe, WIK Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste


Discussant: Mark Walker, CableLabs

First Party Spectrum Rights: The Potential to Expand Indoor-Only Shared Access
Presenter: Michael Calabrese, Open Technology Institute at New America
Additional author:
Jessica Dine, Open Technology Institute at New America

Institutional Diversity in Spectrum Sharing: Exclusive and Nonexclusive Property-Rights Regimes
Presenter: Martin Weiss, University of Pittsburgh
Additional authors: Ali Palida, University of Pittsburgh, Ilia Murtazashvili, University of Pittsburgh

The Theoretical and Empirical Relationship Between Spectrum Concentration and Downstream Service Quality
Presenter: Yongjoon Paek, The Brattle Group
Additional authors: Kai Liao, Rice University, Coleman Bazelon, The Brattle Group, Paroma Sanyal, The Brattle Group and Preetul Sen, The Brattle Group

Friday, September 20, 11:00  am

Telecoms in Emerging Markets

Discussant: Cole Campbell

Estimating the impact of Value Added Tax exemptions on smartphone penetration in Colombia using the synthetic control method
Presenter: Sindhura Kammardi Sachidananda, University of Pennsylvania
Additional authors:
Leon Gwaka, University of Pennsylvania,and Christopher Yoo, University of Pennsylvania

5G Telecom Infrastructure Investment in Technology Emergent Markets: An Economic Revision for Vendor Partners Selection
Presenter: Silvia Monica Elaluf-Calderwood, Florida International University

Disaggregating Digital Inequalities: Survey-based Estimates of Ownership and Use of Digital Technologies in Low- and Middle-income Economies
Presenter: Sharada Srinivasan, World Bank and Oxford University

Satellite & Space Economy

Discussant: Ed Oughton, George Mason University

Dangers From the Regulatory Vacuums in Outer, Inner, and Near Space
Presenter: Rob Frieden, Penn State University

Cyber sovereignty and space sustainability: A case study of mega-constellations
Presenter: Berna Akcali Gur, CCLS, Queen Mary University of London
Additional author: Joanna Kulesza, University of Lodz

Assessing the Impacts of Low-Earth Orbital Satellite Systems in Remote Indigenous Communities: A Case Study in Canada's Northwest Territories
Presenter: Rob McMahon, University of Alberta
Additional authors: Murat Akcayir, University of Alberta, Brenda Norris, Native Women's Association of Canada and Lyle Fabian, KatloTech Communications Ltd.

Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Literacy

Discussant: Marjory S. Blumenthal, MSBlumenthal, LLC

A Call for Promoting Algorithmic Literacy
Presenter: Bryan Boots, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Additional authors:
Alex Matlack, University of Missouri-Kansas City and Theo Richardson-Gool, Independent

Algorithmic Bias, Marketplaces, and Diversity Regulation
Presenter: Lance Yong Jin Park, Howard University and BKC, Harvard Law

Same goal, different paths: Contrasting approaches to AI regulation in China and India
Presenter: Richard Taylor, Pennsylvania State University
Additional authors: Krishna Jayakar, The Pennsylvania State University, Chun Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Puxin Zhang, Southwest Jiaotong University

Antitrust & Competition

Discussant: Gus Hurwitz, University of Pennsylvania

Regulatory Treatment of Specialized Services
Presenter: Scott Jordan, University of California, Irvine

Antitrust and the Internet Markets: Bork’s Deception
Presenter: James Alleman, University of Colorado – Boulder

Media Ownership and Concentration in the United States of America 1984-2022
Presenter: Jason Buckweitz, Columbia University 
Additional author: Eli Noam, Columbia University

Spectrum Management

Discussant: John Chapin, National Science Foundation

Event Detection and Sharing in 6, 7 and 12 GHz bands
Presenter: Prashant Krishnamurthy, University of Pittsburgh,
Additional authors:
David Tipper, University of Pittsburgh, and Ilia Murtazashvili,  University of Pittsburgh

Automating Spectrum Sharing from the Ground Up
Presenter: William Lehr, MIT
Additional authors: Randall Berry, Northwestern University, Igor Kadota, Northwestern University, Carlos Caicedo, Syracuse University, Kangle Mu, Northwestern University, Zongyun Xie, Northwestern University and Irfan Tamin, Columbia University

Friday, September 20, 4:00  pm

Internet Connectivity and Resilience

Discussant: Josephine Wolff, Tufts University

The Economics of DDoS Mitigation and Changing Internet Protocols
Presenter: Samuel DeLaughter, MIT, UCSD CAIDA
Additional authors:
Karen R. Sollins, MIT, and William H. Lehr, MIT

The Impact of Internet Connectivity in Navigating Online Social Networks: A Cross-Country Analysis
Presenter: Alex Matlack, University of Missouri - St. Louis
Additional authors:
Bryan Boots, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Theo Richardson-Gool, Independent

(Reimagining) Resilience Goals for the Internet
Presenter: Cecilia Testart, Georgia Institute of Technology
Additional authors: Volker Stocker, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, David Clark, MIT CSAIL and William Lehr, MIT CSAIL

Smart Cities & Data Governance

Discussant: Madelyn Sanfilippo, University of Illinois

Smart Cities and data governance models
Presenter: Krishna Jayakar, The Pennsylvania State University

Cities, AI and Local Policies: Laboratories of Limitation
Presenter: Sharon Strover, University of Texas at Austin
Additional author: Sheila Lalwani, University of Texas at Austin

Deployment and testing of a Digital Rights Platform that grants smart city residents more agency over their personal data
Presenter: Gwen Shaffer, California State University Long Beach

AI Governance & Regulation

Discussant: Chris Marsden, Monash University

Rethinking AI Governance: The Political Economy of the Digital Ecosystem
Presenter: Milton Mueller, Georgia Institute of Technology, Internet Governance Project

AI governance: Compromising democracy or democratising AI?
Presenter: Mehmet Unver, University of Hertfordshire

Aligned with the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights? An AI Transparency Evaluation of Company Privacy Notices and Explanations
Presenter: Jonathan Obar, York University
Additional authors:
Giuseppina (Pina) D’Agostino, York University  and Motunrayo Akinyemi, York University

Spectrum Sharing and Management

Discussant: Martin Weiss, US Department of Defense

An open-access market for global communications
Presenter: Peter Cramton, University of Maryland
Additional authors:
Erik Bohlin, Ivey Business School, Simon Brandkamp, University of Cologne, Jason Dark, Cramton Associates, Darrell Hoy, Cramton Associates, Albert S. Kyle,University of Maryland, David Malec, University of Maryland, Axel Ockenfels, University of Cologne, Chris Wilkens, Cramton Associates

Dynamical electrospacetime model as a tool for spectrum management
Presenter: Prasanth Prahladan, University of Colorado Boulder
Additional authors:
Dirk Grunwald, University of Colorado Boulder, and Sangtae Ha, University of Colorado Boulder

Decolonizing Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
Presenter: Darrah Blackwater, Blackwater Consulting
Additional authors:
Ilia Murtazashvili, University of Pittsburgh and Kevin Gifford,Colorado University- Boulder

Internet Competition

Discussant: David Reed, University of Colorado Boulder

Who Pays for Internet Traffic? Navigating the Economics of ISP and Content Provider Interconnections
Presenter: Ali Nikkhah,  University of California, Irvine
Additional author: Scott Jordan,  University of California, Irvine

Does Pricing of Internet Usage Steer Consumers or Meter Usage? Evidence from a Pricing Experiment
Presenter: Zachary Nolan, University of Arizona
Additional authors: Jonathan Williams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Brian McManus,  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Aviv Nevo, University of Pennsylvania

Moving Toward a Continuum Model for Broadband Affordability
Presenter: Colby Humphrey, Broadband Access Initiative, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Additional authors:
Elizabeth Mack, Michigan State University and John Horrigan, Benton Institute for Broadband & Society